Ainsley Mauline is an accomplished interdisciplinary artist, originally from rural East Texas and now based in Denton, Texas. After earning her BFAs from the University of North Texas, she's furthering her academic pursuits by delving into the field of Medical Illustration, where she aims to merge her passion for art with her commitment to advancing medical understanding.
Artist Statement
Fueled by my struggle within the American healthcare system, my practice has evolved into a
platform centering around advocacy and shared experiences regarding women's health. Through meticulous exploration of this emotional terrain, my primary endeavor has become shedding light on the profound challenges faced by chronically ill women. It’s important to me that my work continues to encourage dialogue and empathy when understanding the intricate intersection of health, identity, and societal structures.
I truly hope my work speaks not only of my journey but also resonates with the growing number of
people experiencing similar circumstances. Through these works, I invite viewers to contemplate the fragility of health, the strength found in vulnerability, and the importance of fostering a compassionate community for those struggling to find medicinal equity.